Up up in away | Teen Ink

Up up in away

May 6, 2011
By Mdrizzle SILVER, Park City, Utah
Mdrizzle SILVER, Park City, Utah
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Do it because you want to not because you have to

Cause when the sun come ill be there to say what up in the morning, brush my teeth, find that clip iv been lookin for since last night i feel so caught up in a rush. Looking for things that lead to bust. I lead them cops into a dust and get that feeling that im a nut. And you know that im the king rolling up in the triple beam remembering all the friends that were in my dream trying to see my self as a human being.... Cause all be up up n away up up n away cause it dont matter anyway i do it everyday.

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