In The Darkness of Night | Teen Ink

In The Darkness of Night

March 21, 2011
By lissalou1.2. PLATINUM, Williamsburg, Virginia
lissalou1.2. PLATINUM, Williamsburg, Virginia
31 articles 10 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"No snowflake in an avalanche ever felt responsible." -Voltaire

PART X of Lost Romantics

i forgot no world is perfect,
no words are ever just right.
We lose someone,
& we never stop weeping for them.
We turn back to them,
to see them turn away.

In the mist of morning,
and the deathly darkness of night,
we wander aimlessly wanting,
our minds dreaming silent thoughts.

You see him walk down the road,
you run closer to catch up,
You run faster and faster,
till the truth is mapped out before you,
Tearful eyes dont block her out,
and screams dont make it fake,
as you see him next to you,
and know that he can't see you anymore.
You've disappeared and now he's,
holding her hand, as you cry.
Finally losing the man you love,
the one you pushed away to bring back.
Such a misconception,
now such a loss

I never knew,
that living involves dying inside.
You get blessed,
with only one good thing at a time,
and then the wind blows it away,
you watch it flow with the current.

And like all good things,
it floats away in the darkness of the night.

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