Ardous Life | Teen Ink

Ardous Life

February 26, 2011
By Hasanur BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Hasanur BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Everytime you fall, always try to get back up&quot;<br /> &quot;What goes around, comes around&quot;

Life is filled with nothing but afflictions.
We walk ubiquitously with tribulations in our hearts.
Yet, these forlorn emotions have been hindered by an aberrant power.
It was love, and it vanquished all the enmities we have endured.
Amity and Love is an amaranthine ocean that can go for miles.
We stand there above the horizon and watch the sun set together
Adulation wiped away the darkness and enmities in our hearts.
A life is cherished, and yet we lose sight of this…..
Those deprived of love live a dream within a dream, yearning for love…. It is anguished by hate.
Hardships, Obstacles, Torment, they exist for those with tenacity to overcome them.
Love brings fortitude to oneself and to hold onto ones fate with their own hands!

The author's comments:
I wrote this because I have been experiencing hard times, and this was a way to release all my frustrations.

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