That Place | Teen Ink

That Place

January 9, 2011
By McTessa SILVER, St. Paul, Minnesota
McTessa SILVER, St. Paul, Minnesota
6 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
&quot;I make Jessica Simpson look like a Rock Scientist&quot; -Tara Reid<br /> &quot;I get to go to lots of overseas places, like Canada.&quot; - Britney Spears

I passed by the place where it all happened today.
The place of pain.
The place of joy.
The place I think of when I have nothing to think of.
The place I long to go back to with every tick of the clock.
The place that formed who I am and who I will become.
The place that I wish was my future, yet
The place that is only in my past.
The place that fills me with a feeling as warm as a mug of hot cocoa in front of a fire
The place that is a part of me as much as the blood in my veins.
The place that, I guess, is really no place at all, but really;
The place in my memory that will live on as long as I live and longer.
The place I am tied to like a string of a balloon, always following behind me.
The place that is my anchor, keeping me sane as time moves fast as a hurricane.
The place that I miss more than I’ve missed anything before.
The place that I will always find a way back too: childhood.

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