two worlds | Teen Ink

two worlds

November 16, 2010
By mariahrae1 BRONZE, Murrieta, California
mariahrae1 BRONZE, Murrieta, California
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

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you cannot continue to dwell on all the losses and expect to truly live and be happy<br /> &quot;its the bumps in the road that will lead you to the top of the hill&quot;- staci randall<br /> for the strength of the pack is the wolf m and the strength of the wolf pack

two worlds should never collide
one word can end it all
so proud standing tall is what you were all about
who you are is what you make
dont know how to give or take
ive got you figured out
you blame it all on someone else
everyone except yourself
taking two steps forward
and one step back
its only hurts when your eyes are open
lies get tossed
and the truth is spoken
dreams are lost
hearts are broken
beyond in my mind i try to throw it all away
but baby beware..
all the lies i wont forget
never will get over it
you can run but you cant hide
from all the guilt
youve built inside
you played me,blamed me
destroyed this whole world between us
ive crossed this line
wondering what did i do wrong?
but no mater what
my hearts still pounding
saving its lasts beats
standing here
and i ask the same of you
will you walk with me,fall with me?
can hold my breath
but only for a while longer
til reality sinks in
my patience is wearing thin
skipping towards the end
tearing out the pages that remind me of us
two worlds should never collide
one word can end it all

The author's comments:
we were two different people we tried to make it work out for the best but the lies caught up to him and got out i still havemt been able to let go its been 2 years since we broke up

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