in the memory youll find me | Teen Ink

in the memory youll find me

November 16, 2010
By mariahrae1 BRONZE, Murrieta, California
mariahrae1 BRONZE, Murrieta, California
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
you cannot continue to dwell on all the losses and expect to truly live and be happy<br /> &quot;its the bumps in the road that will lead you to the top of the hill&quot;- staci randall<br /> for the strength of the pack is the wolf m and the strength of the wolf pack

i find that answers arent so clear
the sun goes down
darkness creeps in
i feel the light betray me
why am i so uptight?
im about to break inside
nothing seems to go away
all my thoughts arent making any sense
is there really bliss in ignrance?
the old me caught up inside pointing out every flaw
im pretending to be someone im not
i continue to give into my sad thoughts
cant seem to hold onto what i want
im being stretched so thin
its so much to take in
while everything spins thoughts of failure sinking in

The author's comments:
"you live what you learn"

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