They are There | Teen Ink

They are There

October 23, 2010
By ptownn914 BRONZE, Tigard, Oregon
ptownn914 BRONZE, Tigard, Oregon
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Hard work beats talent when talent fails to work hard."

-Michael Jordan

When the darkness engulfs your soul,
They are there.
When your heart splits into two misery-filled pieces,
They are there.
When sadness and hopelessness dominate the present being you have become,
When your cheeks are damp with the tears of an empty soul,
They are there.
When your body is limp with fatigue and the overwhelming power of stress,
They are there.
When you feel like the end is your last option to achieve pure happiness,
They are there.
When joy enters your life and your heart fills with the pure power of love,
They are there.
Through thick and through thin, you only get one.

They offer protection when you decide to run.

Love them more every single day,

Give them your hand and they’ll show you the way,

That’s all I have to say.

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