Treated Willingly | Teen Ink

Treated Willingly

August 12, 2010
By Southeren_Love_Ayla GOLD, Delta-Junction, Alaska
Southeren_Love_Ayla GOLD, Delta-Junction, Alaska
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;A kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech when words become superfluous.&quot;<br /> -Ingrid Bergman

I know what it feels like to be treated like “a nobody”, like you’re nothing, like you’re not even there. I know how it feels to be hit, cussed, cheated on, etc… I never liked being treated like that. I was always hoping they would change and they never did. I want someone to treat me the way I want to be treated.
I want to be treated like somebody, like I’m there, like I’m something. I want to forget how it feels to be hit, cussed, cheated on, etc… I want to be treated in every good way possible.
I like to be treated in the sweet way, the willing sexual way, the loved way. I never want to go back to nobody.

The author's comments:
I was treated like that with the first 4 guys I dated. And it hurt and i never want to go back. I'm with a guy now and he's never raised his hand to me, he's never cussed at me, he hasn't cheated on me.
I wanna know the other side of him though.

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