Live for Yourself | Teen Ink

Live for Yourself

July 16, 2010
By Jake Blair BRONZE, Lake Spivey, Georgia
Jake Blair BRONZE, Lake Spivey, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

as i sit here, i ponder
ponder what it is to have
to have something so great
change into something of a blur.
when no hope seems to be left
and recovery has turned to plight,
we learn what it truly means
to live for each other, in times
of turmoil and times of great strife.
i have heard these words many a time
in the language of music
a little death makes life more meaningful
and to this day, those very words
have never had such an impact
on me. it must be made known
that life is both represented in the best of times
and the worst of times
through ailments and job loses
to a victory lap after winning a marathon
we tend to dwell on the negatives
until we see, go back in time,
and reflect on what life has provided for us as humans
we are either searching for the answer to life
or just plodding along
we may turn to a book of order
we may turn to each other
we my turn to ourselves
we may turn to the stars, all in search of answers
answers that we may never know
there will always be grief and strife
because that is how we are tested
life is a miracle that is taken for granted
if only i wish
we could look at what life has given us
what if we never aged
what if we had no friends
what if we didn't give a damn
what if we couldn't find anything we are looking for
what if the ones we live for didn't live to brighten our days
what if we lived alone
what if... there was no love?
what if we took a moment
took a moment to look around our cluttered lives
to see what makes the individual unique
as i sit here, i ponder
ponder what it means to live...
live for your friends
live for your family
live for the hungry
live for the poor
live for the homeless
live for the weak and ill
and most importantly, live for

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