Island | Teen Ink


June 9, 2010
By marie731 SILVER, Marietta, Georgia
marie731 SILVER, Marietta, Georgia
5 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Defeat the defeat before the defeat defeats you"

Chapter 1
I am searching for my

I can’t seem to find
the deep hole I dug

I need to find him

Chapter 2
I’ve looked everywhere
on the little island
called “My Heart”

I’ve explored every wave
of laughter every mountain
of pain

I spot a ship leaving the

Chapter 3
This ship is strange
not the usual that brings
in delight or despair

I see a figure on the boat

I’ve found my treasure

Chapter 4
I’m sprinting down the shore
calling his name. The island
pulsing as my feet smack the

I get closer and see a figure
on the boat

Chapter 5
I then realize that his hand is
embracing hers. I stop running.
The ship is sailing away. My
island has split into two as my
love disappears into the now
waves of tears

The author's comments:
this was inspired by a person who i liked and how he made me feel. i could touch this up and put more descriptive words in it but yeah!

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