memory map poem | Teen Ink

memory map poem

May 25, 2010
By attitude SILVER, Grover, Wyoming
attitude SILVER, Grover, Wyoming
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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Money is green
hidden in a pink pig
the bank is mine
sitting in a lonely room
i come home and it's there
staring at me with its eyes black as coal.
i go and add more money, one by one,one penny, two penny, three penny more.
a nikle, a dime, a quater. slowly it all adds up for money i once wore.
I spent that money on a nitie for me, scooby doo, who was as cute as could be.
I wore it every night till dark and till morn.
my scooby doo kept me away from all the evil that came to play.
the shadows come from my closet door.
i wonder am i alone, or is someone inside there.
he boogyman was lurking inside waiting to find the child inside.
thats why the light of my mom shines through a night light to keep it all away, safe and sound.
i lay in bed so soft and sweet and slowly let myself fall asleep.
No one can hurt me here, my dreams awake the true beauty of life again.

The author's comments:
my english class was doing our poetry assignment and i made this wonderful poem

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