Persecution to Resolution | Teen Ink

Persecution to Resolution

May 13, 2010
By chlehqls BRONZE, Lambertville, Michigan
chlehqls BRONZE, Lambertville, Michigan
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The unending waves charge the beaten coast
On deck! Outcasts await in their weary most
A lone galley which soon sets a sail
Must endure the waves to no avail
To set forth upon that plank
Most certainly means hardship
But the task they will face
Does not hinder their courage
For they do it for new life
That wait for them thereafter
A life in prosperity with laughter
They endure the voyage long in dread
Twas' America awaits, full speed ahead!

The author's comments:
The inspiration behind this short poetry was the fact that I am an immigrant as well. I came over to America at a young age of eight, from South Korea. People leaving behind their home country to live a better life always inspired me to be grateful for my life in the U.S. So I thought I would pay a short homage to the persecuted Puritans who risked it all to escape religious turmoil that went around England at the time.

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