Adrenaline Rush | Teen Ink

Adrenaline Rush

January 14, 2010
By himynamesryanwhatsyours? SILVER, Christiana, Pennsylvania
himynamesryanwhatsyours? SILVER, Christiana, Pennsylvania
9 articles 0 photos 11 comments

Ice hockey is my adrenaline
It makes me want to smash somebody into the boards
I feel like a mack truck on the ice
An unstoppable beast as big as sasquatch and as strong as the hulk
I am big and my adrenaline rush makes me feel even bigger
I am a truck coming at you and if you dont see me coming your going to the ice
If I have the puck best get out of the way
If you dont you are going to have a fat bruise right on your hip
My adrenaline rush is ice hockey
Its like destroying the smallest guy on the rink even when he is the biggest
When im on the ice I am not affraid of anybody big nor small
I am a Giant about to ruin your day.

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