Denial-You Were Right | Teen Ink

Denial-You Were Right

January 6, 2010
By smileysmackdown BRONZE, Maitland, Florida
smileysmackdown BRONZE, Maitland, Florida
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love."
1 Corinthians 13:13

I sit outside
Longing to hear from you
Longing to help you
But I can't
I try to warm myself by the fire
Longing to run into that building
To shout and scream at them for what they're doing to you
But my fear stops me.
There's a young girl sitting across from me
She asks me about you
Oh, no! What if she knows?
I lie
After all, If I didn't I'd be dead
I want to stand up for you
To tell her the truth, not their foolish lies
But my fear stops me
And a sharp sound rings through the air.
More people join us
Full of questions and curiosity
They'll kill me if they find out! They'll kill me!
I give the same response as before
They seem to doubt me but don't say anything more
I want to quit this charade
To reveal who I really am
But my fear stops me
And that cursed sound returns, though I don't think much about it yet.
Why do these people insist on asking so many questions
Forcing me to lie like this
I have to! They can't find out who I am!
I don't think they believe me anymore
I want to leave them all behind
To find you and keep you safe from those liars and traitors
But my fear stops me
And that noise comes back, piercing my heart like a dagger
Realization follows
I flee, ashamed.

Oh, what have I done?
It looks like you were right about me all along.

The author's comments:
Peter's denial

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