I, you | Teen Ink

I, you

January 11, 2010
By tennis728 SILVER, Commack, New York
tennis728 SILVER, Commack, New York
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Everything happens for a reason.

I saw you, I glanced
All I wanted was a chance
I was intrigued, I wanted to know
What was on the surface and below
I decided to try
I said hello, you said goodbye
You turned away, then came back
I wondered why…

You decided you were wrong
For a time we went along
You had changed, you offered your hand
I grasped it, you seemed to understand
Together, off your mask came
But you were not at all the same
I was alluded, you weren’t what I had thought
With all the change, I was overwrought
Your demeanor was crisp, you didn’t care
You didn’t think, I was just there
I saw what I wanted to see
But, I sensed the end was near
Soon, there would be no us, nothing more insincere

You said I mattered, that I was worth it
You seemed to mean what you said, but I was misled
After awhile, your words proved empty
I was alone, yet still with you
You looked at me, but straight on through
You gave me all, then took it away
I tried to leave, you made me stay
You gave me hope, then despair
You gave me breath, then stole my air
You made me smile, you made me frown
You brought me up, then threw me down
You gave me light, then left me in the dark
The flame tried to burn, you doused the spark
I yearned to be illuminated by our love
To bask in the glorious light
But, it never seemed to be right
You laughed, I cried
I tried, you lied
You made me wish, then regret
Though I never could forget
You marked my life, my mind, my heart
Despite myself, I can’t let the memories part
But now I know
What I want, what I need
For a relationship to succeed
The love must be there, as the foundation of all
Without it, there’s nothing, in the end all will fall
Because love can’t be made
And words can be false
Without the emotion, it’s a masquerade

Despite the fallout, I can move on with my new beliefs
Now I am aware, with a sense of relief
Despite you, I have learned from the past
These lessons will remain with me and always last
You made me stronger, more able to cope
Perhaps you can take something away, all I can do is hope
Now it’s over, final and true
I wouldn’t change anything, would you?

The author's comments:
I love my memories.

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