i miss you....... | Teen Ink

i miss you.......

November 6, 2009
By Miz_me BRONZE, Levelland, Texas
Miz_me BRONZE, Levelland, Texas
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot; Anyone can be passionate,but it TAKES real Lovers to be Silly! :p &quot;<br /> <br /> &quot; In life you will have those days where you think you aren&#039;t very pretty but to the one that loves you you will always think you are!&quot;

i miss you
your touch
your smile
Just you in genral
i miss you
i can't say im done with you
But i refuse to go through this agin
i miss you
in this journey called life
there is something missing for me
as i lay here trying to figure it out.....
Nothing comes to my mind UNTIL...
I dream about you
for the first time in a really long time
i miss now more than ever
and when im in class
i think of you
Hopeing you won't pass me without a quick peak in the hall
going so worry-free
now im wondering if that smile was real
i miss you
hideing the pain
covering up my emotions
holding back the tears hateing this pain

The author's comments:
" My bestfriend that i love alot actually wrote this in my algebra class today. She wrote this for the both of us i guess its one of those things like GIRL SEES BOY- BOY DON'T NOTICE HER- GIRL LOVES BOY- BOY DON'T KNOW HOW SHE FEELS"

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