Simple get away | Teen Ink

Simple get away

October 18, 2009
By Hauntingreality BRONZE, Santa Fe, New Mexico
Hauntingreality BRONZE, Santa Fe, New Mexico
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
&quot;All we see or seem is but a dream with in a dream&quot;Edgar Allan Poe<br /> &quot; &#039;Gotchic&#039; is just a word recalling a multitude of sins!&quot;Vincent Price<br /> &quot;One person&#039;s crazyness is another person&#039;s reality. &quot;Tim Burton

What happened
He used to be so ambushes
Full of life
Talent waiting to fill the world
All gone for a simple get away

What happened
She used to be so alive
Full of dreams
Waiting to let her name shine with the stars
Gone all for a simple get away

They used to be so careful
Loving waiting to great others
With a hello and smile
All gone for a simple get away

He used to be so clever
Ready to out smart the world with his voice
All gone for a simple get away

And what happened to her
Tattered and torn to a worthless lie
Nothing left of all of us

All for a simple get away

The author's comments:
For my friends who've gone down a long and dark rode some out others still lost.

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