Freedom | Teen Ink


October 14, 2009
By Dorcas Jean-Baptiste BRONZE, Upper Darby, Pennsylvania
Dorcas Jean-Baptiste BRONZE, Upper Darby, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Walked in the deserts
Walked in the plains
Sung many songs of our fathers
Searching for freedom.

The dogs howl with anger
Fear rouse in our bodies
We all rushed
Mother, child
Old, young
Strong and weak.

Crossed the rivers
Soon seeing the light
As the north star shows us a mighty sight
The sight of freedom.

Traveled so long
Worked so hard
We were weak
Yet strong in spirit
We've searched
We've found

The author's comments:
I wrote this in honor of Harriet Tubman who risked her life to lead many slaves into the freedom of the north.

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