A path that must be found | Teen Ink

A path that must be found

October 14, 2009
By Finalgravedigger BRONZE, Houston, Texas
Finalgravedigger BRONZE, Houston, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Like the masses traveling a path of dark mystery
Many crave to find the light in their murky history,
Wandering about aimlessly in the shroud of shadows
Trapped without purpose in reality’s gloomy meadow.

Loneliness and ruptures of wrenches are expected
When one tumbles down they rise once again as suspected
Their shrieks of yearnings create wills in ambitious souls
Where hope is born out of cries, in pain’s endless control.

Refining the ground around them with passion learned
Scraping the earth forming a path which has turned and turned
To create a direction which can seen by the eye
Preparing for the strife’s and obstacles that always lie.

Striving ever on to form and reform life’s fickle road
Burned and churned in reality’s furnace to quickly erode
As hope ensues many to look beyond the universe and all
Our spirits must battle forward on answering life’s ultimate call.

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