My Name Is | Teen Ink

My Name Is

October 13, 2009
By Oscar Sanabria BRONZE, Austin, Texas
Oscar Sanabria BRONZE, Austin, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My name is duality,
being this or that like yin and yang.
My name could be the only one you confide in,
or the only one to never put your trust in again.
My name can lend you a hand when you need it most,
or it can also drop you if you decide to get out of line.
My name could be one that you knew like your own,
or I guess the opportunity to understand my name wasn’t able to present itself.

My name feels like H2O, changing under different conditions,
but still being the basic element I am.
I can stubbornly stay solid,
fluctuate into fluid and flow fluently,
or evaporate and escape into the atmosphere and go everywhere.
And like its inherent nature, my name can spring forth life to the surface
or can have the deep tides claim it back to the trenches.

My name was the definition of bipolar.
For a moment, you feel that everything is going in your favor,
but the reality is that I was euphorically tricking myself
and taking everyone else along me for the ride.
But my consciousness caught up with me
and gave me more than I bargained for,
giving me a mutilated self image
that left me hurting on the floor.

My name is the one that engineered a better state of mind for me.
It’s far from perfect, but time is gonna flow and my awareness will grow.
I want to enrich my life along with those who are authentically close to me.
Because I don’t want a perpetually destructive perception anymore.

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