Found | Teen Ink


October 12, 2009
By Danielle Lemmons BRONZE, Spartanburg, South Carolina
Danielle Lemmons BRONZE, Spartanburg, South Carolina
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Once a lost puppy,
now a found pet.
I open the door as rays of light pour through.
Lips curl upward,
As tears fall from eyes of grass.

Once a dark hole deepening,
now a lake filling.
The sparkling water reflects a wonder,
a woman
elegant and bright like a passionate dancer.

Once a bud,
now a bloom.
A yellow radiance penetrates the ground
Tilts and shines like the sun,
like her smile.

Everything recedes as the tide does at noon.

She touches the knob,
twist and turns.
Darkness grabs the light, but is stopped.
Slammed and locked,
shadows may never conquer again.

The author's comments:
This peace was inspired by the death of my Mother. After her death I couldn't smile nor laugh even if I wanted to. No matter what anyone did or said my frown just couldn't turn up. Finally one day I decided that it was time to remove myself from this place and try to live life again and see the sun. My inspiration is my Mother, may she rest in peace.

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