Take Me To The Wall | Teen Ink

Take Me To The Wall

October 17, 2009
By TheLastKimzy BRONZE, Reading, Other
TheLastKimzy BRONZE, Reading, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Life is not what you are told life is, Life is what you make it.

Take me to the park my love,
The greenery and open summer air.
Take me to the movies my prince,
Sit and play with my hair.

Take me to the pond my sweet,
We’ll bring bread to feed,
Take me to the heavens my angel,
The ones we love and need.

Take me to the bridge my friend,
The one we used to know,
Take me to the wall you ,
And just let me go.

The author's comments:
My Ex-Boyfriend, James, Had recently dumped me the day after he went to rock-climbing. Telling me 'I couldn't complete that wall Kim, I didn't have the strength. Our relationship is like that wall, I don't have the strength to do 'us'.'
That's what I think of his wall. =]

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