Rules | Teen Ink


October 16, 2009
By Olivia Miller BRONZE, Park City Utah, Utah
Olivia Miller BRONZE, Park City Utah, Utah
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Life the rules by Olivia

1.If someone doesn’t like you don’t talk to them.

2. Don’t wave to people who don’t know when driving.

3. Don’t make crazy animal sounds, people will stare at you.

4. Don’t tell a teacher you don’t agree with them, they won’t like you.

5. When you go out to dinner with someone don’t order the most expensive thing on the menu.

6. Don’t ear pink and purple together they don’t go.

7. When your Mom tells you your wrong you usually are.

8. Don’t waste your time doing something you suck at, get better at something your good at.

9. Don’t be overly nice to the people at the airport. they’ll put you in that strange glass box.

10. Don’t wear different socks adults think its weird.

Rules are rules and they are not supposed to be broken. I don’t worry I learned the hard way.

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