Appendix | Teen Ink


September 11, 2009
By zachroyal PLATINUM, Johnson City, Tennessee
zachroyal PLATINUM, Johnson City, Tennessee
33 articles 4 photos 7 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I Am but Mad North-northwest: When the Wind is Southerly I Know a Hawk from a Handsaw"

She felt the foreign taste of anticipation
On her neck,
Lips, appendix.

He seemed so calm in the
Sunny side of the shade,
And wanting to make an impression,
She became, but did not desire to become,
His shadow.
The shady side of the sunny side of the shade.
To the neck of her light,
The appendix of her busted up world,
His world and darkless shadow seemed
Worn by the innocence of the without,
Unaffected by the gallant afflictions of reasoning
And of intelligence.
For now, she walked away,
And she felt the luxurious heat of a stasis in her soul.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Sep. 30 2009 at 11:18 pm
FindOutMore GOLD, Glen Ellyn, Illinois
11 articles 3 photos 7 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Guess now who holds thee!" -
"Death," I said,
But, there,
The silver answer rang, "Not death, but Love."

"She came, but did not desire to become, his shadow".

i really like that line and the poem in general :) very nice!