trust, love && happiness | Teen Ink

trust, love && happiness

September 8, 2009
By amor96 BRONZE, Huntley, Illinois
amor96 BRONZE, Huntley, Illinois
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

trust is earned, lost, given and destroyed .
the worse part about it is when the trust someone has for you is destroyed in a single word . and when that someone is the person you love its devasting when you learn that the trust they had for you no longer exists & you fight your hardest to get it back but they still wanna walk away and pretend like nothing ever happened between you too. trust love && happiness are created when two people have it on the same level . when the trust never dies down and just gets stronger and the happiness is revealed when their eyes sparkle as they look at eachother. and the love they feel is a deeper passion then anything in the world. trust cant be order or asked for nor can love or happiness && i believe that you cant have one without the other .

The author's comments:
i had to write this for a class in school . it was the day after me and my boyfriend got into a huge fight, alott of my friends said it wass good . theyy next day i wrote another poem called the boy andd showed it to my friend . he then told mee aboutt this websitee . the poem the boy will come out soon . when i finsh thee wholee thingg . in the meann timee i hopee youu enjoyedd thiss poem . comment pleasee .

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jan. 2 2010 at 5:30 pm
midsummmer11 GOLD, Lake In The Hills, Illinois
10 articles 0 photos 1 comment
nice. I like it.