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June 3, 2024
By gwarr333 BRONZE, Cornwall, New York
gwarr333 BRONZE, Cornwall, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Notes dance around my ears as the strings of the piano are hammered,

lost in the melodic genius that leaves his fingertips.

I’m interrupted by interjections from a beautifully curved piece of metal.

The power she commands with her wooden reed astounds me.

The supple tone creeping into my brain,

 pushes out everything I had been thinking of.

I feel a rumble begin to grow,

creeping up my legs until my whole body is practically shaking.

The crash of the cymbals shocks me,

Waking me from whatever trance I had been lulled into.

My ears are once again met with inspiring complexities,

Complexities I was unaware I would ever be able to notice.

The night comes to a close,

and although I’ve witnessed greatness,

my ears beg me to recall the sounds I will most likely never hear again.

The author's comments:

This was inspired by a particularly inspiring concert I saw where I felt extremely connected to one of the songs that was played. I continue to listen to the song and hope that someday I can experience it live again.

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