College | Teen Ink


May 27, 2024
By Anonymous

In the quiet of my room, I sit and sigh,

Packing up dreams, under a hopeful sky.

The walls echo laughter and whispers,

As I fold each memory, fighting back tears.

The threshold of youth, now gone,

To halls of knowledge, both near and far.

A leap into the future, with a heart so full,

Yet heavy with the thought of leaving

Each goodbye hug, I wish could forever last.

Friends of old, with promises to keep in touch,

In our hearts, we know it won't be as much.

The familiar streets, the market

Where stories were spun, day after day.

Now I stand on the brink of a chapter new,

Eager and scared, feeling blue.

For every hello, there's a farewell due,

But this is growth, a part of life's collage,

As I start on this journey, off to college.

With each step forward, I'll remember this place,

The love and the comfort, I'll forever embrace.

Though I venture very far for knowledge's embrace,

I'll carry home's warmth, every challenge to face.

The author's comments:

After the year has come to an end I have realized how much we need to cherish these last few weeks and days before we leave our loved ones. Even though I am not leaving for college I still see the sadness and happiness in others.

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