My Letters to the Rainbow | Teen Ink

My Letters to the Rainbow

May 17, 2024
By sarahboven BRONZE, Carlsbad, California
sarahboven BRONZE, Carlsbad, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Red,
I adore your passion and how up front you are. Smeared on lips, urging me to stop, a sign of danger yet, you call all attention. That's in our nature, red draws the eye! Your color reminds me of heat and the skin-scalding coils on my dad’s heater that he uses outside during our weekend barbecues. “Don't touch that!” he warns the dog, assuming that our dog understands his words. You also remind me of desire to the point of obsession. The constant repetition of a traumatic memory that I tell myself I don’t want to think about and yet, it continues to pop up behind my eyes. The thought runs again and again and again. It becomes so overthought, my mind has no new commentary to make on what happened. I begin to spiral and whirl on all the same thoughts I've had before, a never ending cycle. But Red, you're more than what you seem. Obsession is just a part of life, we all want things! You have taught me that although something may seem new and exciting, I need to find other things in life to enjoy besides that new thing. You're perfect the way you are!
Thank you for always drawing my eye,


Dear Orange,
I honestly was not sure what to write about for you. We barely know anything about each other. I never wear you and I rarely use you unless it's completely necessary. My notes lack your presence and my room decor involves anything but you. “Ugh, It wouldn't match” I tell myself as I pass you. But, I began to realize that you have your place. I think you look best in San Diego sunsets. Although whenever I see you it's a sign that a day is passing me by, I can always count on you to be there. Although that could sound terrifying, all your best days do have an end, all because of the sunset. But you remind me that a day only lasts 24 hours, I can leave the negatives of the day in the past and move on if I so choose. I have no need to dwell on the past, the endless cycle of orange sunrises to orange sunsets will eat a dweller alive. So, I now realize that I do appreciate you, I appreciate your reminder to move on, that many people overlook.
Thank you for being in the sky,


Dear Yellow,
It's so nice to see you, Yellow! I am reminded of lemonheads and summer when you appear. Your somewhat overwhelming brightness blasts my eyes. Whenever I see you I am forced to pay attention, a blessing you were born with. You don’t draw my attention the way red does, though. Red makes me pay attention because it feels imperative, however you draw my attention because you remind me of positive memories. A bright yellow sundress under the sun in a green field. You’re like a breath of fresh air, the smell of freshness and citrus. Although lemons stole your color, I think that you guys have a similar vibe anyway. you’re most fit to draw positive attention towards something, like a highlighted term or a sun in the corner of a child's drawing. Although you're not as bright as white, you are much warmer.
Stay (not) mellow,


Dear Green,
You’re nature's color. You have been claimed and attributed to mother nature herself for centuries. Your utter lack in San Diego did not bother me before I had left to visit new places. But now I’ve seen places where you are much more prevalent, I miss you dearly when at home. Seeing you plastered on beautiful intricate leaves and stems always takes my breath away. Whether it be dark or light I see your magnificence in all shades. Your prevalence was a legitimate factor in my selection of a college to attend. Expansive sparkling lawns and hundred year old, massive trees welcome me in and keep me interested and inspecting a landscape, unlike cacti and sand. I wanted to get away from the same old same old I've lived with my whole life. Yeah, the beach is great but, you aren't there! With this in mind, the colleges I was most interested in were surrounded by you, you should be honored! Many people are afraid of leaving your comfort and many people may even be afraid of the endless forests you coat. There is no reason to feel fear towards you, after all you didn't choose where you wanted to be (even though you didn’t choose the job you fulfill, I still deeply appreciate you).
With much love,


Dear Blue,
Oh, blue. You are often associated with sadness but I don’t see that as completely fitting. You're on jeans, the sky and even a primary color, what more could one ask for! Even in a world bombarded with positive associations with you, people have built up in their minds that you’re sad, but I don't see it that way! You're similar to green in that you exist in nature abundantly but you aren't associated with grimy germs. The vast expansion of the ocean is sheeted in blue. You’re intimidating due to your cool and calm nature, similar to an older sibling. I honestly feel like you ARE the older sibling of all the colors. You surround all with your sky and no matter what happens, everyone can look up and always see you, dark or light. A divine figure, in a way. Always there, always watching, never judging. A place of comfort for everything but nothing can ever quite reach you.
I hope to meet you soon enough,


Dear Pink,
It's so good to see you, Pink! Although cliche, you remind me of girlhood. The idea of the power of being a woman and how deeply I feel even the smallest things. I feel like you used to traditionally represent the weaknesses that were arbitrarily put onto women. Dumb, clueless, and helpless. Now, pink represents positive traits many of us can relate to, like feeling deeply for others. Pink reminds me that I can easily cry about a tik tok of an old dog I’ve never met, simply because of how happy it is despite its situation. Barbie is also a significant image that pops in my head when I think of you. Barbie may have had her faults but Barbie is a freaking genius and a renaissance woman! She has every…job…ever. We got to give credit where credit is due! Pink makes me feel powerful, but in the context of being a girl! At what point do I switch from girlhood to womanhood? I don’t think it truly matters, I don’t think I will ever feel an abrupt switch in my head that says “yes. You're a woman now. Act accordingly.” Pink, you will always keep me a girl at heart.
Thank you for keeping me young and strong,

The author's comments:

My stories about the different colors of the rainbow were inspired by one of my classmates, Sofia. She wrote a similar piece in this format and I found it very witty and inspiring so, I put my own spin on it! I used this piece as a way to reflect on the smaller things in life and being appreciative of everything around me, even color. I hope people who read this will focus more on the little details in life like I have been trying to do.

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