Things I Love | Teen Ink

Things I Love

May 16, 2024
By 91510 BRONZE, Timnath, Colorado
91510 BRONZE, Timnath, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I love soccer,
The feeling of burning someone in a 1v1 match,
The joy after scoring an awesome goal,
The smell of the green grass after a hard practice,
WHIP I hear my cleat hit the pumped up ball with pace, power, and precision

I love colorful sunsets,
Seeing the fading sun dip behind the colorado mountain,
Feeling the first cool air of the,
Witnessing the beautiful colors range from red to pink to purple,
I wish it could last all day

I love hanging out with friends,
The sound of laughing during funny talks,
The pure laughter,
The ever-lasting memories,

I love working out,
Your muscles screaming at you when running or lifting,
The pride after it’s over,
The improvement you make over time,
It makes you as strong as an ox

I love holidays
The get-togethers with family,
The festivities,

I love summer
The experiences you get to have
The warm sun smiling on you,
The constant free-time

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