something i love | Teen Ink

something i love

May 16, 2024
By 112726 BRONZE, Timnath, Colorado
112726 BRONZE, Timnath, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

 I love basketball

You feel the ball 

Spinning in your hands 

It is as light as a birds feather

I love the taste of salty sweat  

Dripping down your forehead

There is a loose ball and everybody is 

Fight like cats and dogs for it

I love watching the my teammates

Running up and down the court

I catch and shoot

You can hear the swish

As the ball hits the net and goes in

I love how

When you're on the court, 

your teammates are all that matters

Our whole team is playing their best

All we have to do is keep the lead

It is the final few seconds the other team

Throws up a shot 

bang It clatters off the backboard

The buzzer goes of, it is like a tornado siren

I look up at the scoreboard we won

It felt like we won the NBA finals



Jackson M.

The author's comments:

This poem is about me and my team winning the championship in basketball.

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