Rainy Day | Teen Ink

Rainy Day

May 14, 2024
By Anonymous

Rain pitter-patters on my window, a soft, sad song,
Singing melodies only I understand.
The world outside is gray, but I find peace
In the gentle drops that fall, one by one.

I sit by the glass, watching the rain dance,
Each drop a tear from the sky,
And I wonder if the clouds feel as I do,
Weighed down with a sadness they can’t let go.

Others flee to escape the storm,
But I stay still, letting the rain hide my tears,
though it hardly conceals them.
Its cool touch comforts me,
A friend who knows me without words.

The scent of the wet earth rises,
A reminder of things lost and dreams faded.
I breathe it in, feeling a mix of joy and pain,
A bittersweet blend that feels like home.

In the quiet of the rain, I find my thoughts,
Wandering through memories and what-ifs.
The world seems to slow down,
And I lose myself in the rhythm of the drops.

Rain on my face, mingling with my tears,
I close my eyes and let it all wash away.
In these moments, I feel a connection,
A bond that others don’t see,
Why I love the rain.

I sit, watching for hours.
In the rain, I find a part of myself,
A space to be free.

So I wait for rainy days, knowing that in the storm
I’ll find a piece of peace,
A quiet that only the rain can bring.

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