Sublime Generosity | Teen Ink

Sublime Generosity

May 8, 2024
By Anonymous

In the garden of life, malice may grow,

But so does delight, in the warmth of the glow.

Meanness may lurk in the shadows of night,

Yet a sublime generosity is coming toward you, bright.

The heart, once heavy with burdens untold,

Copper doesn't know it's copper until it's changed to gold.

Through errors and trials, the spirit refines,

Transforming base metals, across life's winding lines.

In the dance of days, where contrast collides.

Generosity washes away malice, like sandcastles in the tide.

And where meanness once took a firm, strong hold,

It yields at the alchemy, to the shimmering gold.

In every one of us, a magic resides,

Turning copper to gold, where true happiness abides.

So let the sublime generosity come to you,

As you discover the gold in others, and in you too.

In this journey, let wisdom be your guide,

And leave the malice and meanness aside.

For you are the alchemist, with power untold,

To turn the copper moments into purest gold.

The author's comments:

I got words from poet i learned about in highschool. Rumi

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