Highschool Days | Teen Ink

Highschool Days

May 8, 2024
By Anonymous

High school , oh what a roller coaster ride 

From freshman nerves to senior wins 

Late-night cramming , studying till dawn 

Like friendships I question sometimes are withdrawn.

Football games and pep rallies , full of cheer 

Supporting our teams year after year. From sports

To players running back to back on courts , shooting balls 

And getting scholarship calls.

Teachers who inspired knowledge they shared,

Lessons and lectures , showing they cared.

being late, the teachers always hate 

They sometimes felt like your worst mate .

From achieving challenging assignments from trying my best 

Finding ways was always a test.

Dances and proms , memories so sweet 

Dressing up , dancing to the beat 

Senior year approaching , a bittersweet goodbye 

Leaving behind the good ole days that made us fly .

But highschool worked in so many ways 

It shaped us , molded us true 

Preparing us for the challenges we’d pursue.

Forever bonded , a part of our past.

A chapter to be closed but the memories will last. 


So here's to the highs and lows we've been through 

To the friendships forged , both old and new 

Highschool , a experience we’ll always treasure 

A time of growth , love , and endless pleasure. 

The author's comments:

High school , oh what a roller coaster ride 

From freshman nerves to senior wins 

Late-night cramming , studying till dawn 

Like friendships I question sometimes are withdrawn.

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