Petgrief | Teen Ink


May 8, 2024
By Nettleclaws BRONZE, Cooper City, Florida
Nettleclaws BRONZE, Cooper City, Florida
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“If you had as much gunpowder as you did brains, you wouldn’t have enough to blow your nose.”

Do you miss me?

Do you miss me?

I’m sitting on your mantle,

Do you miss me?


I’m sitting here.

What are you going to do with me?

Take me off your mantle?

Hold me?


Do I make you scared?

Does my mahogany scare you?

Do I make you afraid of your own mortality?

Your mortality won’t last forever.


When I see new furry friends in your house though,

I’m not envious.

In fact, I’m happy that you aren’t scared of finding someone else anymore.

When I first ended up on your mantle,

You were scared of finding someone else.

You cried,

Only thinking of me.


What I realized, however,

While sitting on your mantle,

Was that I was not the only one out there.

There are others that need a home.


And now that you’ve opened up your doors

(And your heart, oh I love how it’s healing),

To someone else,

I’m happy.


I enjoy hearing the sounds of meows again,

Even though they aren’t my own.

I revel in the idea that the young hound

Can share the house with someone else.


So I’m happy,

You’re happy,

And we’re rid of petgrief.

The author's comments:

This piece was based on my own personal experiences of losing childhood pets. If you’ve ever lost a pet, this piece attempts to speak to you and truly showcase the feelings you may feel, but in your dead pet’s perspective.

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