I Wish | Teen Ink

I Wish

May 3, 2024
By Jacob-H BRONZE, Timnath, Colorado
Jacob-H BRONZE, Timnath, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I wish

The entire world

Supported each other

Like friends,

And could hear each other's laughter

With no racism or hatred toward others,

Just world peace.

I wish

All the people's problems

And struggles they go through

Would be solved,

So people can taste freedom

And live life to the fullest.

I wish

People who are mentally

Or physically ill would get

And receive support,

Especially those in poor


And be provided the proper care

They need

And be able to taste good food

And drink clean water.

I wish

Everyone could be satisfied

With what they have,

No greediness,

Or selfishness,

Seeing a green dollar bill

Is not someone's one priority.

I wish

Everyone treated the Earth with respect,

This is the place we have to live

And have to cherish,

People polluting the air and water,

Without a thought.

I wish

All of this

Could be put into place,

I wish the world would do something,

I wish the world could hear something like this,

One change can make a big difference,

I wish…

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