You Are | Teen Ink

You Are

May 3, 2024
By Anonymous

You are someone who doesn't think of others 

        But you always think of me 

 You do what you want when you want 

       But when it comes to me 

        It's always different 

     You are also bold 

   You never listen to others 

Or care what they have to say

Honestly I wish I was like you 

          In that way 


You are intelligent 

       But play dumb 

Just so people don't know 

   You are gorgeous 

You are also adventurous 

You like to do things 

That are crazy 

And most likely not allowed 

You are a rule breaker at heart 

 You are crazy good at art 

Your so good

I could only wish 


You are creative 

Like the colors 

On your canvas 

All sorts bright, light, and even neon


                                                 You are also so beautiful 

                                                     I cant even explain 

                                                     You hair perfect

                                                     And lips glossed 

                                                   Wearing your crop tops

                                                          In fact 

                                   Everytime someone sees you there jaw drops 


You are the opposite of me 

And always will be 

With your perfume that smells like candy 

And mine like flowers 

Your loud and proud voice as you talk to people 

Your hands as soft as a bunnies fur 

And your weird love for the taste of sushi 

That I will still never understand 



                                                     You are also my best friend 

                                                   And I can't be more grateful for you

                                                        I wouldn't want anyone new 

                                                  They wouldn't know me as well as  you do 

                                                  So thank you again for always being there 

                                                       We will always be the perfect pair 

                                                                Me and you 

                                                    And the special connection we share 

The author's comments:

I love poetry and it is something that comes to me naturally. Writing about what I am feeling has always been easier to me then talking about my feelings. 

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