Time Capsule | Teen Ink

Time Capsule

May 1, 2024
By 5tomich BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
5tomich BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Buried and thought to be forgotten,

photos lost from a picture book,

the blue box remembers those memories.

Buried and thought to be forgotten,

glassware lost from the Royal Family,

the blue box remembers those dinners.

Buried and thought to be forgotten,

jewelry lost from an ancient Queen,

the blue box remembers her beauty.

One warm hot summer day,

a young boy digs a hole.

The boy sees a hint of blue among a pile of brown.

He grabs the light box out of the dirt,

Curious and intrigued.

The blue box will be remembered.

As he opens the box,

emptiness fills the air.

The boy sees objects of insignificance,

objects of trash, not treasure.

Their legacy is buried and thought to be forgotten.

Nobody will remember them,

as the boy will move forward.

And nobody cares.

Everyone will go to work.

Everyone will party.

Everyone will sleep.

Everyone will live.

Buried and forgotten.

What is a legacy?

The author's comments:

Inspired by “Blue Soap Bubble” by Joseph Cornell 

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