life | Teen Ink


April 30, 2024
By cneuendorf BRONZE, Clive, Iowa
cneuendorf BRONZE, Clive, Iowa
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

life is everything and nothing and something all at once

contracting to fit into my coin purse

clinking against my pennies and dimes

it warps to fit around an unearthly bacterium

i feel life swell while i sit, listening to a symphony

melodies are born, a life form and species all their own

exponentially, life crashes and folds and cracks and bends

i watch it move and stretch with bated breath

swaying willow trees

and imploding supernovas

the lavender lampshade down the street winks out for the night

and a firefly buzzes and flashes, calling out to the rest of life’s infinitesimal forms 

searching for one match in the undulating ripples of the world 

a butterfly flaps its wings 

and an island cracks apart at its core

life goes on, i suppose

a baby waddles and trips through its first steps

their parents cooing and smiling and tearing up

the sun will continue as it always has, spinning like a universal, shining golden top

i watch it tenderly as it sets

the blues and purples and reds and oranges braiding together in a bursting swell of light

movie stars dry their tears when the cameras cut their filming

and a spaceship soars into uncharted skies

these dichotomies confuse me, cause me distress as i grapple with the fact that nothing is real

yet everything is real

life ebbs, the stock market tanks

life flows, a flower bursts from the ground

and i wonder if one knows the other

if the flowers know of the stock market

if a stockbroker knows of the flowers

are they connected, intertwined, laced together for ever and ever?

that is something i cannot say, something i cannot confirm nor deny

and i never will be able to 

and i am ok with that

that knowledge settles into a comfortable warmth in my heart

because it is so much easier to realize that life will exist and run and crawl however it pleases

i and my friends and enemies and distant relatives and future lovers are all just passengers

we will sit back and watch life as it goes by

and i believe that no idea as comforting as that will ever be uttered again 

The author's comments:

My name is Claire, and I have loved writing for practically my whole life. This is my first time ever submitting something to be published and I'm nervous but also very excited!

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