52 Blue | Teen Ink

52 Blue

April 19, 2024
By goodlingmax BRONZE, Beverly, Massachusetts
goodlingmax BRONZE, Beverly, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Loneliest Whale in the World

52 Blue

Adrift in the sea

Picture it,

Hundreds of your kind

Leaves on the wind

Perhaps stopping to look

Never stopping to stay

Their aren’t familiar to your ears

Your aren’t familiar to theirs


They have options

Thousand’s whose call match their own

They have options

You have no one.

The only sound you know is that of the sea

A gentle roar you know as home.

It’s all you know, and it’s all you have.

It’s all you ever will.

Many species adrift on their journeys

And then you,

A species of one,

In a species of millions.

52 Blue

The author's comments:

I am a young author in the United States who is driven by curiosity and the passion to inspire others.

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