The Darkened Hall | Teen Ink

The Darkened Hall MAG

April 19, 2024
By Anonymous

In the depths of my mind,

Anxiety and depression intertwine,

Their whispers like sirens call, 

Dragging me down into the darkened hall.

Anxiety, with its racing heart,

And clenched fists,

Whispers of fear tearing me apart, 

Leaving me feeling like I don't exist.

And depression, with its heavy weight,

Dragging me down to a darkened state,

Where the sun never shines,

And I'm trapped in my own twisted mind.

I try to fight, to break free,

But the chains of my mind hold tight,

Anxiety and depression, my cruel destiny,,

Dragging me deeper into the night.

I try to smile, to pretend i’m okay,

But inside i’m breaking, crumbling away,

Anxiety and depression, my constant companions,

Leaving me feeling like I'm lost in a canyon.

But i cling to hope, to a flickering light,

A reminder that can still fight,

Against the demons in my mind,

Anxiety and depression, I will leave you behind.

I reach out for help,for a guiding hand,

To lead me back to solid land,

Where anxiety and depression no longer hold sway,

And I can face each new day.

So i'll keep fighting, keep pushing through,

Knowing that there’s a brighter tomorrow in view,

Anxiety and depression may be my foes,

But I'll rise above them, my strength grows.

The author's comments:

I wrote this poem because I can relate and suffer from these mental illnesses myself.

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