The art of communication | Teen Ink

The art of communication

March 22, 2024
By Anonymous

In digital realms, we roam and dwell,

Our  likes cast spells like modern wells,

Our screens aglow with fleeting frame,

Yet in our hearts a silent claim. 

We scroll and swipe though endless feeds,

While lifes true roses turn to weeds. 

Connections made, Yet lost in depth,

As shallow likes replace our breath.

The art of talk, now lost to type, 

Emotions filtered stereotypes. 

We post and boast of joys facade. 

While silence cries for help are barred. 

In virtual crowds, we stand alone, 

Our deepest thoughts to screens are thrown. 

The youth adrift in cyber seas, 

To speak, to hug, to laugh, to cry, 

And live beyond the digital sky.

The author's comments:

I feel as if the world around is is distracted constantly and we dont live authentically any more.

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