when i left our house screaming | Teen Ink

when i left our house screaming

March 21, 2024
By Anonymous

I am worried. 

I am worried that when I left our house

Its windows still aflame

I forgot all that I had given

No longer had a name

Yet still through the smoke

Pieces of me laid there

They were the walls

The carpet

The chair

Clouded in smoke

Through my watery eyes I choked

I watched them curdle and burn

Soon to be nothing here

I must save them

Carry them out my lair

They are mine not yours

Despite my despair

In a beautiful puff of black flame

My foundation grows lame

My heart thrashes against its cage

I vomit

I starve

I wane

I cannot hold them any longer

Why are you cackling

Like a vulture in the air

What is so funny

About my deepest despair

Why are your eyes so dark

I see no light 

No spark

When did it start

When did you burn my house down

Simply on a lark

Or a long plan 

I do not know

Was it all a silly show

But the flames licks my face

Our house you have defaced

I cannot take my walls back

They are too heavy

Too old

Too strong

My dear old friend

I must leave them all

Or I will never leave 

at all

I must run out screaming

Into the night air

I must save myself

Or be crushed under your giggles

And your black eyed stare

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