La beauté d’une femme | Teen Ink

La beauté d’une femme

March 9, 2024
By Catherinek26 BRONZE, Brookville, New York
Catherinek26 BRONZE, Brookville, New York
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As humans we are residents of God's green earth.

Men and women. Set roles since birth.

The man was sent to labor away while the woman expected to sit by and support.

The man is “supposed” to pull the weight while the woman is forced to pick up the pieces. Finding joy in the little things is her only resort.

For centuries young girls were forced to believe their full potential could only be reached as a caretaker, just waiting by her husbands side.

Washing the clothes, mending to the children, preparing meals, their courage shows as they are pushed to abide.

Like a boat, moving with the tide waiting for the wind to change.

And yes while those roles are necessary, Women are consistently overlooked.

Later, waves are made, progress is reached, with leaders like Susan B. Anthony as the lead.

And yet as society moves forward and women are part of the world in a different way. 

Some pre-existing prejudices continue to stay.

Whether it's Mary the stay at home mom waiting on three kids, one on the way

Her husband comes home from the office, exhausted, mangled briefcase in hand, with not one desire to look at his wife in disarray . 

Drenched in pizza sauce, vomit, and oatmeal from this morning's breakfast, 

she holds her wide eyed child and is looked over upon like waste on the street.

Forced to put her kids to bed alone as her husband lies still on the couch, with the comfort and luxury of doing nothing.

Mary cracks open a Campbell’s soup for dinner because he fails to make ends meet.

Or 23 year old Jane, a bright aspiring accountant who rushes home to the Upper West Side apartment 8B, books in hand, a fire under her belly with a drive to work her way up the ladder.

Struggling to be taken seriously at corporate, merely seen as eye candy and symbol of sex.

Looked at with such appeal as a fresh baked pastry in a market.

She's up till midnight checking financial records, eating lukewarm ramen noodles out of her styrofoam cup in her shoebox apartment and correcting the mistakes of her male counterparts.

Mistakes she knows the first time not to make.

But Jane gets up the next morning, just before dawn, as she looks in the mirror she's aware of what's at stake.

The leak in the walls, spoiled food in the fridge, a futon instead of a couch, “this all has to change” she states.

So she heads to the office with her top fully buttoned, her skirt perfectly long.

She walks into the office building, says “good morning” to her boss, sits down in the conference room chair with a brave face on

Her legs crossed, as she mutters under her breath “just you wait, I will not be your pawn”

But these two women Mary and Jane, they are warriors, symbols of strength.

Two spirits, two bodies, who will live lives of length.

Both tending to their jobs, knowing their worth more than what it is their given.

But they’ll keep fighting, burping the children, and fixing the bosses mistakes.

Working through life, each dig, each sorrow, each roadblock trying not to break.

And they’ll cry and they’ll cry till no more tears can be shed,

Tie up their hair nice and fix up the bead.

Try to cover their scars with concealer and blush, though their true pain cannot truly be seen in a life that seems so lush.

But as women, we have fought through this before, experienced our fair share of kick downs.

But each time have come back as champions.

From CoCo, to Rosa, to Marie, to Frida

To Ruth, to Diana, to Marie and Jane

They all know what it's like to be a wallflower.

The light fixture you glance past by when you enter a room.

But it's how you light up that room that matters.

Reality must never get in the way of one's dreams.

And the patriarchy must never be seen as reality.

So we as women must continue to push through the boundaries of reality, because where would we be without a fashion house like Chanel, scientific discoveries that changed medicine, and rights for African Americans?

Absolutely nowhere.

Because women are the heart and soul of the life that breaths all throughout the world

The givers of babies, so many born each day

And as god put us here during that one blip in time, he intends for us to stay.

The author's comments:

This poem was written in honor of Women's History month. I wrote it to reflect the many challenges women experience all throughout their lives and how we have persevered through hardships. If there is one message I can leave you from my work, it is that women have built so many important things in this world and it does not take much to appreciate even the smallest contribution whether they are a mother, engineer, doctor, or salesperson. Every women equally has something worth bringing to this world and should be equally appreciated in what they do.

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