Summer Days | Teen Ink

Summer Days

February 26, 2024
By Peytonweise SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
Peytonweise SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The thought of happiness

The feeling of the hot sun shining down on me 

Spending day after day with my friends 

All day at the lake 

The next at the fair

The sleepless nights 

The walks to Cannon Bells 

Morning workouts 

Afternoon camps

Working on sports

Barely ever home

The weekends spent up north

At my cabin

Going out on the boat

Water skiing and tubing

Swimming and tanning 

Laughing til midnight with my family

Around the fire

The thought of happiness

The memories made

At the lake 

Watching the sunset

the beautiful reflecting water

Beneath the red-orange and yellow sky

My friends and I sitting on the sand watching the glowing sun, set

The memories made 


The feeling of freedom

Never having to worry about the stress 

Of school

Or homework 

Or tests

Not having the nagging teacher telling you to get your homework done

Never getting a break 

Getting to do what I want

Not having to wake up at 6 AM 

Every single morning 

Not Having to go to practice right after school 

And not getting home until after 7 

And continuing to do that 

Day after day 

Week after week

Month after month

The feeling of freedom

The hot sun 

Shining down on me 

From sunset to sunrise

Things start to change 

From the cold winter days 

Pale turns to tan

Sweatpants turn to shorts

Sweatshirts turn to swimsuits

And Uggs turn to birks

Things start to change 

From the cold winter days 

The times we wait for 

The hot summer days

The author's comments:

I love summer it is my favorite season and I think this shows my love for it. Also sometimes school can be very stressful and we just need a break so that's what summer is. 

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