Wresling Season | Teen Ink

Wresling Season

February 26, 2024
By GriffinP BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
GriffinP BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The sound of your alarm clock going off

Getting up early,

To get your first workout in when it is cold

Much rather be sleeping but that's alright

Getting in the car; Getting to school

Struggling to focus; thinking about practice after school

The day goes fast; walking into the room

Weight is heavy,

Bundled like it's frigid in the school 

Practice starts,

Feeling like a melting snowman directly in the sunlight 

Twenty-five minutes in it feels like it is the middle of the night 

Finally thinking practice is over ready to go home; And eat what I can

Then coach says overtime, or get on the line

In the end, it is all good fun

Coach is just trying to make us better for times to come 

Like tournaments on the weekend or matches in the week

A freshman one year,

Then going to your final high school banquet the next

Reviewing my short wrestling career; hoping for no regret

And as a freshman wanting the time to pass

Saying the season will fly by right

Not knowing I won’t ever get this time back 

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