The Way | Teen Ink

The Way

February 24, 2024
By KatelynnCulpon PLATINUM, Frederick, Maryland
KatelynnCulpon PLATINUM, Frederick, Maryland
46 articles 0 photos 1 comment

The way I enjoyed the warmth of your jacket
The way I enjoyed your arm around my body
The way I loved you
While you were playing me all along
But I didn't know, I couldn't tell
You must have put me under a spell
You tricked me then used me for my body
The way I fell hard on the floor face down
The way you tried to do it to my best friend
that pushed the boundaries
You put me under your wing
Told me I am safe
But with you I'm not
The way that you stopped coming to your fathers house after he found out
The way people justified your wrongs
The way no one will see what you did and why it's so wrong
The way people ask me about you when they know why you're gone
The way you're gone from here but not my mind
The way I can't tell people because I don't want to worry them
The way you have affected me is bad
I don't know if this is normal
Wishing people knew
Wishing people would stop justifying your wrongs
My mind is a dangerous place and you're in it
You're messing it up
Making me think I'm not good enough
I'm not pretty enough
I'm not smart enough
My body isn't good enough
But for some reason
There's still a part of me that misses you
A part of me that misses the warmth of your jacket
Your arm around my body
I loved the way you made me feel like I could be loved
And now that you're gone
I've fallen
Fallen into a hole I can't get out of
A deep dark black pit
I'm all alone
It's too hard to talk about
I'm still under your spell
You're gone it was for the best
I just hope someone could love me again
Give me their jacket
Love me the same way you did
But without the bad parts.

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