Torment | Teen Ink


February 17, 2024
By Wcgarcia23 SILVER, Muttontown, New York
Wcgarcia23 SILVER, Muttontown, New York
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
If you can’t fly, then run. If you can’t run, then walk. If you can’t walk, then crawl, but whatever you do, you have to keep moving. -MLK

On my face I place a facade,

a disguise of a fake smile,

the face of, don’t worry I’m ok,

deep down inside though I’m struggling with ravenous demons,

Demons that sink their claws into me and would never let me go,

Everytime I fend them off, like a phoenix they return,

It’s like everyday I’m fighting my last stand,

As if I’m on the brink of complete mental capitulation,

and the Earthquake of torments destroys my subconscious skyline and the conscious too,

I wish one day I could pierce them in the heart with a sword of resilience,

but I fear my armor is to weak to withstand the inevitable blows,

my brain twists and bends in a black hole every day,

and I hate it, and can’t take it,

My mind is in the empty abyss of hopelessness,

and I run in the face of the impending onslaught,

am I a coward,

am I not strong enough,

But maybe I’ve still got enough left in the tank,

to use the armor I’m so scared of putting on.

The author's comments:

What can I say, we all have our demons.

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