Dead Land | Teen Ink

Dead Land

February 9, 2024
By greysontolliver GOLD, Pataskala, Ohio
greysontolliver GOLD, Pataskala, Ohio
10 articles 0 photos 2 comments

We laid our foundation on the ground

of a rock without foundation.

The mountains cracked and crumbled

and we separated our nations.

The land crumbled at our need

with a somewhat hesitation,

and we filled the cracks and craters

with a partially thoughtful predation.

Eden became barren from the land that it once was,

and sank it to the cold, dark ocean,

so we can take credit for what it does.

And the oxygen that we must breathe,

it belongs to our nonliving pets,

as we take away

from our every day,

pretending that we're nature's vets.

The author's comments:

I wrote this a while ago about the way we destroy nature, pretending we are bettering the world.

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