I want to tell her | Teen Ink

I want to tell her

January 26, 2024
By KatelynnCulpon PLATINUM, Frederick, Maryland
KatelynnCulpon PLATINUM, Frederick, Maryland
46 articles 0 photos 1 comment

I dont know what to do
Dont know what to write
So many things filling my head
But I have already written them all
I want to tell her
But I cant
Not if theres the chance of her telling them
Not if they will figure it out
They'll know eventually but not now
Maybe when I dead
Maybe never
Maybe I'll just keep it quite
And deal with it
But it's hard too
When it's this serious
Its messing with my head
And making me overthink
It was a year ago
I need to get over it
No one will care because it was so long ago
Telling her wont fix it
It will just be another person
Who knows
Who can tell
Why can't it just be like how it was
Why cant I just stay in middle school
I need help but have no clue where to get it

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