Nature’s Cycle | Teen Ink

Nature’s Cycle

January 16, 2024
By Anonymous


The sun presses into me,

Stamping freckles onto my skin.

I feel alive and live carefree,

The sun energizes my young body.

The warmth is comforting,

Wrapping me tightly like a mothers embrace.

Hamburgers grilling and freshly applied sunblock,

My nostrils pick out the smells.

Natures melodies chirp around me, 

Half drowned out by the hum of the lawn mowers.

My thighs stick to the plastic chair,

Melting together, binding to my body.

It’s as though the mid-afternoon’s vitamin D,

Has surged through my ears to my toes.

I bask in the sun and magic of July,

Feeling nothing but content.

I smile at the summer sky.

Oh, what peace.


Slowly, I watch as the leaves turn their back on me,

Falling to the ground in silence.

r to rake the colors up.

I scramble to dig out my jeans and sweaters,

The weather becomes unwelcoming to exposed skin.

Color drains from my face,

Just as it does from the now pale sky.

I long for the sweet smelling grass, 

Hating the brown world for what it's become.

I loathe the crunchy sidewalks,

Avoid the hot spiced lattes and teas.

Inside out, I slowly wither away,

In no time I will be a corpse just like the trees.

The days become shorter

Yet feel much too long.

I fade away with the daylight.

I can’t do it.


The crisp air turns to a frigid nightmare,

Not nipping, but biting into your skin.

I refuse to leave the comfort and warmth of my home,

I can’t go out into this blizzard of a world.

Brown turns to white while crunchy turns to slippery,

My eyes ache catching the brightness.

I look outside only to see a sterile hospital,

No warmth nor satisfaction to be found.

The tension builds in my shoulders as I walk outside,

My body falls victim to the temperature.

I bundle myself in blankets to fall asleep,

I wrap my body in layers to survive.

My eyes begin to glaze over just like the ice over the pond,

Losing interest in the moments of each day.

I sink lower into my chair and day dream,

Of the life I used to like living.

My smile disappears as I wait for the world to thaw.

I am numb.


The ground is soaking wet,

Decorating the streets with large puddles.

My body begins to wake from its slumber,

My personality peeks its head out from hibernation.

The strong scent of mud and earthworms,

It calms my anxious mind that remembers winter’s hell

The sun peeks out past the clouds,

The sky is becoming more saturated each day.

The birds resume their chorus,

Singing out the praises of spring.

Green sprouts peek out from patches of snow,

I am reminded of the little joys in life.

Buds representing new life appear in my yard,

My heart swells knowing the dark days are ending.

The new season fills my eyes with curiosity and desire,

I can’t wait for what the future holds.

The colors thaw while the world regains harmony.



I no longer conceal my body and heart from the cold.

I feel alive and live carefree—

Once more under the sun.

I’m me again.

The author's comments:

This poem goes out to all the people who suffer from seasonal depression, and who only ever feel alive and themselves during the limited months of summer.

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